Jessie β€˜23 Gaduate

Jessica, my dear childhood friend, entrusted me with capturing the essence of her senior year through my lens. As I stood behind the camera, memories of our shared adventures flooded my mind, etching a bittersweet smile on my face. With each click of the shutter, I glimpsed her laughter, her dreams, and the indomitable spirit that had woven her into the woman she is today. That Saturday afternoon, our intertwined paths converged once more, reminding me of the profound childhood we had. We worked together that day, as friends and as artists and muse. It was the highest honor and a professional privilege to capture the essence of her. Knowing that these photographs would forever preserve the memories she had worked so hard in creating and the future she was poised to conquer, is why I choose to do what I do.

Thank you.


Jessica '21 Senior.